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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chapter One ::

She kept running and running, never stopping. Tears coursed down her cheeks. I stood still, like I knew what was about to happen. A man was behind her, carrying something shiny in his hand. As I tried to see clearer, a misty fog suddenly surrounded me. I couldn't see his weapon.

Weapon! The thought suddenly hit me in the head. He's holding a knife, I thought. As a picture of that sharp object appeared in my head, their faces became clear for about a second.

I shrieked. Was that my face that appeared? And that guy. I knew I saw him somewhere. I rubbed my eyes and tried to remember that girl's face. I'm sure it looked like me...


I heard a bang and felt a searing pain on my forehead. I clutched my head, silently squeaking in pain. I opened my eyes to see both Michael and Erica looking at me with wide open eyes. "I was sleeping again, wasn't I?" I said sleepily, rubbing the drowsiness out of my eyes. I forgot about the pain instantly.

"AnaTolia, what if this happened in class? You should go see a doctor. You may have a sleeping disorder." Erica, who was clearly worried about me, insisted. I shook my head; I never liked hospitals. I wasn't sure why, but they give me a morbid feeling. I once visited a hospital. An air of bad aura spreads all around me as I passed by those whitewashed halls.

"You think?" I snapped back at her. The ever-silent Michael then pointed at a group of girls crowding around a cafe table. They screamed as I groaned. Erica sighed. "Just because he is famous, it doesn't mean he has to show it." I squinted to see who the girls were crowding over.

The crowd broke and out came a man in his early twenties, with black hair and emerald green eyes. Right, it's that new guy. Peter. He then met my eyes and smiled. I shook my head. That wasn't the smile I saw in those magazines. And right then and there, I considered that his 'special' smile.